DII, NAIA, DIII Rankings: May 11

These are, for all intents and purposes, the last rankings that have any substance as far as the rest of the season plays out. In the next few days the final decisions will be made as to who’s in and who’s out. There are no more quality wins to be earned or style points to…

DII, NAIA, DIII Rankings: May 4

As the regular season begins to crescendo, the top teams in each of the small school divisions are continuing to pull away from the rest of the pack. There was only minor shuffling in the Top 25, especially in the top 10 where the positions remained virtually the same. In these last couple of weeks…

DII, NAIA, DIII Rankings: Apr. 27

Overall this season has pretty much played out at anticipated. In D-II the top six teams in the way-back-in-the-preseason rankings are still the same top six teams today (albeit in a slightly different arrangement). In the NAIA it hasn’t been quite as stable at the top, but overall the 2016 prognostications have been pretty legit….

DII, NAIA, DIII Rankings: Feb. 17

With this being the first rankings update of the season there wasn’t much marked movement in the Perfect Game small school Top 25. It’s simply still a bit too early to tell if the tea leaves and Magic Eight Ball enabled projections were up to snuff or way off target. In D-II almost a third…

2016 NAIA Baseball Preview

While home runs, strikeouts and diving catches capture the headlines, it’s often the little things that make a difference in a ballgame. A hit-by-pitch, poorly played hop, errant toss or missed cut-off can be just as meaningful as a grand slam.  The 2015 season proved that a single miscue can reshape an entire game. It…

Final 2015 Small School Rankings

NCAA Division II The Tampa Spartans were an easy pick for preseason No. 1 team. They were coming off a crazy insane 54-4 season and had almost their entire starting lineup coming back to campus for another run to Cary. However for a good part of the spring, the team didn’t look like they would…